Alfons Van Daele (K.U. Leuven) "Discrete and compact quantum groups,"

Oddział Warszawski
czw, 2009-05-07 16:30

Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne, Oddzial Warszawski

Instytut Matematyczny PAN


Centrum Banacha
zapraszaja na

Wyklad-Kolokwium we czwartek, 7 maja 2009 o godz. 16:30
w sali 403 Instytutu Matematycznego PAN, ul. Sniadeckich 8, pod tytulem:

Discrete and compact quantum groups,

ktory wyglosi Alfons Van Daele (Department of Mathematics, K.U. Leuven, Belgium).

Wyklad jest przeznaczony dla szerokiej publicznosci matematycznej.
Przed wykladem (od godz. 16) zapraszamy na kawe, herbate i ciastka.


What is a quantum group? Depending on whom you ask, the answer could be very different. Some people will say that it is simply a Hopf algebra. Others will give a much more nuanced answer.
In this talk, I will approach quantum groups from a very specific point of view. I will introduce and discuss the notion of a discrete quantum group as a quantum analogue of a discrete group. And I will use this case to explain what a quantum group is for anyone with a background in analysis. I will also discuss this notion in relation (duality) with that of
a compact quantum group.
I will be rather elementary, avoid technical difficulties, but nevertheless try to give a flavor of the nice and rich theory and touch some of the more recent developments.