Michael Barnsley (Australian National University) "Theory and applications of fractal transformations"

Oddział Warszawski
czw, 2010-10-07 16:30
Dyrekcja IM UW oraz Oddział Warszawski PTM zapraszają na  wykład-kolokwium  

Michael Barnsley

(Australian National University)

"Theory and applications of fractal transformations"

(This talk is dedicated to Andrzej Lasota)

Miejsce: Banacha 2, sala 5440   
 Czas: Czwartek, 7 października 2010, 16:30.    
Przed wykładem, od 16:00, kawa i herbata.    Abstract

Let A and B be attractors of two point-fibred iterated function systems with coding maps f and g. A transformation from A into B can be constructed by composing a section of the inverse of f with g. I will outline the shape of the theory of such transformations, which are termed "fractal" because their graphs are typically of non-integer dimension. I will also describe the remarkable geometry of these transformations when the iterated functions systems are projective. I will demonstrate that (i) they can be used to provide new insights into dynamical systems'; (ii) they can be used to manipulate, filter, process and efficiently store digital images; and (iii) they can be used in the visual arts. This lecture will be accessible to a general mathematically literate audience and will include some computer graphics.